Welfare work Activities

Welfare work Activities

At present 10 (Ten) destitute students of school level are residing in the student’s Home. Mission is providing everything (e.g. Food, clothing, medical care, study materials, Tution fee etc. ) free.

Providing Medical help to the Poor people by way of free Lab tests, free medicine etc. and pecuniary help to the needy persons including payment of scholarship to the poor and meritorious students is our regular activities.Keeping in mind the welfare of the society rates of Lab Test, E.C.G. , X-Ray and U.S.G. are charged as minimum as possible which are very low comparing to market rate. One student (Girl) of class XII is getting scholarship @ Rs. 1000.00 per month for the year 2023-24.

Besides those activities we are running a free student’s Home The object of the student’s Home is not just to maintain the students in its care, but to train them in a manner so that they may grow into healthy, self-disciplined young man with a strong moral foundation.