Spiritual and Cultural Activities

Spiritual and Cultural Activities

During the celebrations specially on Tithipuja of Sri SriTahkur, Sri Maa and Swamiji and Durgapuja, Msiion conducts spiritual and cultural activities through day long programme of Bhajan, Padabali kirtan, Music and discourses etc. Mission also arrange from time to time Bhakta Sanmelon and Mantra Diksha for the benefit of the spiritual aspirants.

During the period under report celebration of Mantra Diksha were arranged when 81 and 461 nosspiritual aspirants were initiated by Rev. Srimat Swami Suhitanandaji Maharaj and Rev. Srimat Swami Divyanandaji Maharaj respectively.

We also observed during the year National Youth Day on 12th January, 2024 with Garlend on the image of Swamiji, Bhajan, Discourses etc. when more than 200 student from different schools, monastic member and staff participated.

On 25th February, 2024 a spiritual retreat was organised when 560 deligates participated, programme started at 8.40 a.m. with Bhajan, Meditation, Puspenjali, Discourses, Question and Answers, Sharing of experience by the devotees, and RAMAKRISHNA SARANAM, Programme ended with lunch at 12.40 p.m.

On the occasion of Tithipuja of Sri Ramakrishna Deb on 12th March as a part of day long cultural Programme, Jatrapala “NATIBINODINI” was staged in the evening when more than 3000 devotees and followers were present and enjoyed very much.